Limited Tickets left!!!!
Saturday @ OC-centric: all new plays, two sold-out shows. Will we sell out both shows Sunday? There's a chance we might. Right now, you...
Saturday "Bender" Tickets Sold Out!!!
Saturday's 2pm performance of Bender is now sold out. Tickets are still available for the Sunday show at 7pm. Call 714.902.5716 or email...
OC-Centric Named Best Kept Secret in Orange County's performing arts scene
The Register's OC Arts e-newsletter just named OC-centric this weekend's Best Kept Secret in Orange County's performing arts scene. The...
Q&A with OC-Centric's Founder and Artistic Director Tamiko Washington
Examiner's Jordan R. Young takes a look at OC-centric and interviews our founder & artistic director Tamiko Washington. Read full...
OC Weekly Talks OC-Centric!
The OC WEEKLY's Joel Beers checks out the plays of OC-centric and previews this year's festival. Read the full article by Joel Beers!
Interview with Lew Riley
Q: Some playwrights can write comedies easily, others can't. Do you think comedy can be taught, or are some writers just inherently...
Keeping Up With OC-Centric Playwrights
Let's take a look at what some playwrights produced in the 2011, 2012 and 2013 OC-centric festivals are doing theatrically these days....