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Keeping Up With OC-Centric Playwrights

Let's take a look at what some playwrights produced in the 2011, 2012 and 2013 OC-centric festivals are doing theatrically these days.

2011 playwrights...

Hoosiers Go To Heaven

Eric Eberwein (Do Hoosiers Go to Heaven?): His comedy Great Western Wanderlust was produced in 2012 by Fullerton's Hunger Artists Theatre Company, and his drama Whatever's Easy appeared in the OCPA Studios series at Santa Ana's Theatre Out last December. Ken La Salle (The Myth of the Cubicle, also Thug 4 Life in 2012): Ken's full-length play After You Fallwas presented in a staged reading this spring by Santa Barbara's Stripped Scripts. Joni Ravenna (Sex, Love, and the Premature Evacuation): Her play Beethoven and Misfortune Cookies (starring Ernest Harden, Jr., from White Men Can't Jump and J. Edgar) was produced in 2013 at Hollywood's MET Theatre, the Odyssey Theatre in West Los Angeles, and Michigan State University. It was optioned earlier this year for production by the New Federal Theatre in New York City. 2012 playwrights...

The Cast of "The Dirt and Its Harp In Her Mouth"

Megan Breen (The Dirt and Its Harp in Her Mouth): Megan's My First, My Fist, My Bleeding Seeded Spirit was given its world premiere production last November by New Theatre, one of the south's most respected small theatres (Nilo Cruz's Pulitzer Prize-winning Anna in the Tropics had its world premiere there). Her play Serpentine Pink (By the Souls of Our Feet) appeared in Son of Semele's Company Creation Festival 2013 in Silver Lake. Megan teaches writing at the New York Film Academy in Los Angeles. John Lane (Isoceles): John's I Just Wanna Get to Phoenix appeared in Neo Ensemble Theatre’s Motel 8 production of motel-themed plays this March-April at Hollywood’s Studio/Stage Theatre. The Roommate was produced in December in New Voices Playwrights Theatre's Holiday Voices production at Anaheim's Stage Door Repertory Theatre. Earlier in 2013, his one-act Four Characters in Search of a Playwas produced at SDRT in New Voices' spring production. Sydney Nikols (Shrink): Sydney is currently developing a pilot for MTV called How to Live Like a Lady (created with Julia Mattison). 2013 playwrights...

Sound of Silence

Andrea Sloan Pink (Les Hollywood Hills): Her one-act Fractaland just appeared in the OCPA Discoveries series at Newport Theatre Arts Center. Another one-act play, Warner Bros., was published inBest American Short Plays 2011-12 (Applause), and two monologues from it appear in that publisher's upcoming Best Monologues from Best American Short Plays. Travis Snyder-Eaton (The Sound of Silence): His one-act Forced Conviction was produced in the 2014 Hollywood Fringe in June by the Re-Theatre Company, and he continues to write and direct for Sacred Fools Theatre Company's Serial Killers late-night series. Julie Tosh (Skirt) is the librettist for Mercy Train, a new opera written with composer Doug Levine. Pittsburgh's Microscopic Opera Company will produce it in June 2015. In addition, Julie has written a feature film adaptation of Michael Zadoorian's novelThe Leisure Seeker, a project now casting in Los Angeles.


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O.L. Halsell Foundation Studio Theatre, Chapman University

Moulton Center Studio Theatre

300 E. Palm Ave.

Orange, CA 92866

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